It was difficult to imagine anyone throwing a puppy into a trash bin, but the Columbus Department of Public Service staff picking up trash spotted the puppy in an apartment complex dumpster in Columbus, Ohio, late last week.
According to the Columbus Department of Public Service, David Carlson discovered the puppy “struggling to get out from under trash” and immediately contacted his superior Logan Sieg for help. No surprise there when Sieg came to the site and “entered the dumpster to dig the puppy out and rescue it.”
The adorable little pooch was taken to the Franklin County Dog Shelter and Adoption Center where he received an examination, some needed medicines and all of his vaccinations before becoming eligible for adoption.
And now the six-month-old puppy named “Duke” has found his new home, and the past is certainly behind him. Many thanks to all of the heroes who stand up for those who can not speak.
Live long and be happy Duke.
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