In Stoughton, Massachusetts, Animal Control Officer Michelle Carlos had responded to a report on Wednesday that a small Yorkshire terrier had been spotted running around on one of the local streets.
According to the Stoughton Police Department, when Office Carlos picked up the obviously neglected dog, she fed him, gave him fresh water and a good bath. Fortunately, the dog did have a microchip, and it revealed his name to be Rex, 12-years-old and belonging to a Boston resident named Marzena Niejadik.
When Marzena was contacted, she explained to the officer that Rex had been stolen from her 11 years ago in Boston, shortly after she had purchased the dog to ease her emotional pain after losing a beloved family member.

Marzena rushed to meet Officer Carlos at the police station, and the two were reunited – perhaps not a dry eye in the room. That night Rex went home and met the rest of the family. Rex was then treated to a day of beauty at the doggy spa.
Two lessons are hopefully learned from this beautiful story. First – make sure to have your pet microchipped. Rex NEVER would have been returned to his family had he not had the chip. And of course – the second lesson – NEVER GIVE UP!
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