In Los Angeles, a man caught on video viciously beating his dog at an industrial park in Duarte has turned himself in. The disturbing video showed a man beating a dog for nearly 15 minutes. The owner of a business in the area saw the incident while checking his NextDoor app earlier in the week.

According to Fox News, the man turned himself in on Friday. The dog has been taken to the San Gabriel Humane Society.
In a neighborhood watch group, people were outraged and openly crying as they helplessly watched the video which supposedly took place on Sunday. A man is seen stopping his vehicle in the parking lot of an industrial complex. He opened up the car door and pulled the German shepherd mix out from the back of his car by its leash; he then started to hit the dog. The dog could be seen cowering throughout the entire time, but every time the dog tried to escape, the man dragged him back by the leash and struck him again and again, at times kicking and dragging the defenseless animal.
At the end of the video, the man puts the dog back in the car and drives away.
When the video was posted on social media and local news stations in order to find the person beating the dog, PETA offered a $5,000 reward for information leading to the location of the dog and the arrest and conviction of the person seen attacking the dog. The increased publicity and the pressure exerted by the press and the public encouraged the man to turn himself in.

Authorities were also worried there may have been other victims of the man’s outrageous behavior and that there could have been other animals or humans at risk.
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