In Cleveland, Texas, the cruelty to dogs remains unexplainable. Every day dogs are injured, abused and killed, and for that reason ThisIsHouston refuse to give up and bravely continue their fight to help those who cannot speak.
Spike was only eight-weeks-old when he arrived at his new home. He had been a happy puppy, but as he watched the small children walk by after school, he couldn’t understand why they threw rocks at him, nearly blinding him in his left eye. Spike never did anything wrong – perhaps he barked, but the porch had been his home, and he stayed loyal. And when Spike was about ten-months of age, his family placed him in the backyard in a fenced area – a dog house for his home among a flock of chickens pecking for food.
Just last week, one of the children brought Spike out to play. It started as a glorious day, and the gleeful puppy ate up the attention while enjoying the sunlight on his face. But then…
You’re so happy, having fun and making memories with your human when a truck speeds up to purposely hit you – in front of the child. The truck literally crushes your pelvis. Your entire life changes in seconds.
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Spike had purposely been struck by a car. According to an eyewitness, the vehicle sped up and hit the dog paying no attention to the young child playing with the dog nearby. The witness stated it all happened so quickly, she did not catch the license plate number, and without any video backing up her story, there is nothing that can be done.
And so it was up to ThisIsHouston to help Spike, and after his current owners surrendered him to the organization, the puppy was rushed to the emergency veterinarian specialists to repair his hip fracture and luxation. In addition, Spike needed one eye removed after he had been pelleted with rocks thrown at him by mean children – even while the dog was in his own yard.
One week later, Spike is now able to stand and turn around. The surgeon is able to manipulate both hind legs, and everything is moving in the correct position. If his recovery progresses as is expected, Spike will be moving to a foster home.
Spike’s medical care has exceeded $9,000, and no doubt it’s all worth it. Look at this little guy who is expected to recover and one day find a family who will love and protect him.
Read previous article here.
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