Dinero arrived at the Wichita Animal Shelter in Kansas after having been found as a stray. His sightless eyes had been painfully infected and bulging out of their sockets. He was microchipped as a puppy with a birthdate listed as April 18, 2012 – meaning he has just turned ten-years-old.

Beauties and Beasts, Inc. rescued Dinero after his ten-day waiting period giving his owners the opportunity to reclaim him. Because of the dog’s badly infected eyes, he had been staying in the medical section.
…he has been hospitalized at El Paso. Sadly although the infection cleared, his eyes needed to be removed as he had suffered from dry eye left untreated by his previous owners most likely used as a neglected backyard breeder that was abandoned when he was of no use anymore.
Beauties and Beasts Facebook
How sad to think how long Dinero must have been suffering? As of this time, he remains in boarding since no one has stepped up to foster him while he recuperates.

The best birthday present would be a home where we are sure his wishes to be loved can come true.
Check out his video:
Donations are needed. Please share this dog’s plight with friends, family and social media contacts. Sharing saves lives.
You can also mail in tax deductible donations to B&B/HQ136 S. Pattie Wichita KS 67211
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