In the picture, Joey certainly looks sad, but rest assured, he has been one lucky pup and is on his way to a full recovery because of the brave volunteers at Detroit Dog Rescue. On Sunday, in just a moment of time, Joey’s life changed after having been struck by a car.
I know this is graphic, but this is what we see at #DetroitDogRescue. I was at a meeting at the DDR site when officers called me begging for help, a dog with a laceration. I left the meet and was at the location in 22 minutes. It probably felt like a lifetime for him. Once I got him into my my arms I named him Joey. We’re in the ER at Oakland Veterinary Referral Services and I need all the help we can get. Good vibes, puppy prayers and donations are needed. This is going to be a big surgery. Thank you to the brave, amazing and wonderful officers who called me.
Detroit Dog Rescue FB

Joey is resting comfortably and surgery is scheduled for Wednesday. He has already had his deep wounds debrided and packed. The good news is that Joey did not suffer any head trauma. His lacerations will be repaired with surgery and the damage to his pelvis is expected to heal over time with a lot of bed rest and care.
Joey’s critical medical care is expected to surpass $8,000 this week. Donations are appreciated.
Follow Joey’s recovery here.
Please donate at:DetroitDogRescue.com
VENMO: DetroitDogRescue (look for us under the Business tab!)
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