An 11-year-old Siberian husky had been picked up on April 28, 2022 as a stray from zip code area 77073. When officers arrived, the dog was not able to stand, and he was taken to Harris County Shelter in Texas.

Vet evaluation is pending. He feels broken, tired, lost, groomed and is not in good health! He tested heartworm positive most likely dumped to try and survive on out streets. PLEASE HE NEEDS HELP! SHELTER HAS SEVERAL SENIORS. IT IS NOT PLACE FOR THEM!!
Facebook Houston, Save Lives is our Mission
PetHarbor adoption information:
This DOG – ID#A591618
I am male. I look like a brown and tan Alaskan Husky.
The shelter staff think I am about 11 years old.
I weigh 40.60 pounds.

Check out his video here:
Please share his plight with approved rescue organizations, friends, family and social media contacts. The shelter is currently overcrowded, and this senior deserves better than being alone at the time he needs the most help and healing.
Quick update for this dog:
Quick Update 5/3: the dog was walked by the vet outside and he did well his potty, he is old, 11 yrs old and besides that he is heartworm positive (needs treatment) he seems ok. Nothing yet for him. He was covered in fleas alive and death, bad dentition, avoid walk much and underweight
Facebook update
For more information, follow volunteers offering as much information as they are able.
Contact Harris County Pets DIRECTLY for any status or how to meet this pet. The facility is located at 612 Canino Rd, Houston Tx.
Phone 281-999-3191
Monday to Friday; lines are open from 9am-6pm. On weekends lines are open from 9am-4pm.
Public is only allowed by appointment.
If you want to become a foster for shelter you just need be 18 yrs and older, have a valid DL.
For more info on this pet contact them directly during business hours. If you can foster for shelter, please use email:
[email protected]
Follow the National Pet Rescue for the latest news and updates.
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