In Royal Oak, Michigan, the five-month-old wallaby missing from the Detroit Zoo has not been found. According to the zoo’s Facebook page, and the latest update, there has not been any indications that the joey could have escaped.
Unfortunately, there is no update to pass along about this wallaby joey. We’ve read all of your comments more than once and cannot thank you enough for your thoughtful messages. As you can imagine, our animal care staff is devastated. This 2-acre habitat is home to 11 kangaroos and wallabies Sprocket, Eloise and Bucky who was born last spring. There are native predators, such as owls and hawks, who live near the Zoo. At this time, we believe it is likely one of these aerial predators was involved. We know how invested so many of you are and will continue to keep you informed.
Facebook Detroit Zoo
The last time the joey was seen was on Saturday evening. Workers have searched the entire zoo and have not given up, but the chances of finding the baby have become slim. It is not likely that one of the zoo guest took him as there are always so many employees around the zoo at all times.
Sadly, everyday that passes makes it unlikely the joey could survive without his mother. Anyone living in the area near the zoo is asked to be on the lookout for the wallaby.
At his or her age, the joey is just beginning the process of independence by spending time outside the pouch, but still nursing and spending time in the pouch. It is unlikely that the young wallaby can survive an extended amount of time away from the mother. We are reviewing every potential scenario and remain hopeful this joey will be found unharmed.
The zoo staff continues to examine the habitat and areas around it, while also reviewing trail cameras and surveillance cameras.
(Photo via Detroit Zoo Facebook page)
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