A vigilant elephant shows humans once again why animals are so often better than people. A dramatic scene played out last month at Zoológico La Aurora in Guatemala when an antelope fell into a pool and was unable to escape from the water.
An elephant could see that the antelope was struggling and began trumpeting in the direction of the water in an effort to get attention. Maria Diaz was at the zoo that day and she captured the incredible situation on video, reports Fox 29.

In the video, you can see the elephant, Trompita, point her trunk at the antelope and repeatedly try to catch the caretaker’s attention. Finally, the man realizes what is happening, running to the water and jumping in to swim over to the struggling animal.
It took several attempts, but the man, identified as Romeo López, is ultimately able to hoist the frightened antelope out of the water to safety. A woman can be heard yelling “Bravo,” from outside of the enclosure, and onlookers applaud the heroic rescue.

According to Guatemala.com, Trompita was rewarded with some edible treats, and the heroic caretaker was given a certificate to honor his bravery.

Watch the incredible video at this link.
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