Days ago, the fate of two “imperfect” puppies was in question. The miniature aussie-doodle puppies belonged to a breeder, but they were born with a birth defect that impacts their vision. Because of this defect, they were not good enough to sell and what would happen to them was uncertain.
The Pennsylvania SPCA writes:
Our Humane Law Enforcement Officer Nields received a call from a veterinarian in Lancaster County. The vet had examined two puppies at a breeder’s home suffering from micro-opthalmia, a birth defect in which one or both eyes did not develop fully, so they are small and often lack vision.
The breeder didn’t think they would be able to sell the puppies, and so what would happen to them was in question.
Fortunately, the pups, Leon and Leona, are still perfect to love. The shelter took them both in, writing:
These two precious babies will need homes that are understanding of their visual impairments, but we know they are out there. And we know that because they are here with us, they will get a second chance at life.

Explaining their part in this rescue mission:
Just a few days ago their future may have been uncertain. But, today, these beauties have their whole lives ahead of them.
Sometimes the work we do is not about pressing charges, or horrific acts of animal cruelty.
Sometimes it’s simply about providing help and hope to special animals who need us. Animals like Leon and Leona.
Find the shelter on Facebook at this link.
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