A “scared and feisty” senior dog got a much-needed makeover after being taken in by a Texas animal services facility. According to the City of Alvarado Animal Services facility, the elderly dog’s owners died and he was clearly out of sorts when he went to the shelter. The animal welfare agency writes:
We got this old guy in, owners died and he was scared, feisty and just not having it.
Explaining the transformation, both physical and emotional, the dog had after realizing that he was safe:
Once he knew we could be trusted he became a TOTALLY DIFFERENT DOG!!! He is giving kisses, jumping and dancing. He is available for rescue . I am just in awe of how wonderful he truly is! He is a true senior and is unaltered! 🐾 🐶 ❤️

The shelter thanked Kyrstin, with Hotrod Hounds, for helping this bedraggled old man get a new look. According to the shelter, this dog is available as “rescue only” because of “medical issues.” Learn more at the facility’s Facebook page here.
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