Last week, a woman in Fort Worth, Texas, emailed a rescue group about her cat, Nacho, telling staff that the cat was peeing outside of his box. Nacho’s owner of five years decide that she did not want her cat anymore and she was not patient enough for the group to take him in, so she left him at an animal shelter where she was told that he would be put down.
Fortunately, Nacho’s life was spared. Saving Hope Rescue explains:
We contacted that shelter. It’s not the Fort Worth shelter, they are amazing. This is a smaller shelter and we won’t say who because it creates bad blood and the animals pay the price for it. We said we would take the cat, his name is Nacho. We sent our non-profit paperwork in. It was 11 am and they told us to get there by 1pm because that’s when they will euthanize him (most shelters will hold the animal for 24 hours for rescue) and also they will not handle him to put him in a carrier, he’s too upset. That was a new one for us, but no problem, we know what we’re doing. We absolutely scrambled to get there and get Nacho. He wasn’t difficult to get into the carrier.
When Nacho was seen by a veterinarian, it became clear why he had been peeing outside of his litter box. The shelter said:
105.3 degree fever, and a UTI nearing on blockage, which explains peeing outside of the box.
Nacho was sick and miserable – undoubtedly in a great deal of pain because of his urinary tract infection. The shelter wrote:
He needs to be hospitalized. He needs IV antibiotics. He needs pain meds! This could have been cured with a simple vet visit and a shot of antibiotics. He didn’t need to be put on death row for it.
Nacho is fortunate – he was saved before being put down at the shelter and he has received the veterinary care that he desperately needed. He went from “grumpy” and hard to handle, to affectionate and happy. Two days ago, the rescue agency wrote:
Nacho is out of the hospital and ready to start a whole new life, pain-free! Available for adoption soon.
Welcome to Saving Hope Rescue, Nacho. You will never see that side of life again.

You can make a donation towards Nacho’s veterinary bills, or other pets in need, at this link to the rescue’s website. Find the rescue agency on Facebook at this link.
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