A three-year-old German shepherd has faced unkind treatment and will need patience and understanding to overcome his fears. Multiple allegations against the owner and the person who attempted to surrender the dog this week to the Miami-Dade Animal Services have surfaced on social media referencing cruel treatment towards the dog, however we ask that people concentrate their efforts finding Max a safe home or approved rescue organization.
We have made this information available to help Max find rescue:

This dog was not aggressive with owner. Once he was surrendered his behavior changed once inside the kennel. This has been common with shep /mal at the shelter . They don’t like being caged . He is very urgent and off the adoption floor.
Information for Max:

MAX – #A2350505
I am an unaltered male, black and tan German Shepherd Dog. The shelter staff think I am about 3 years old.I have been at the shelter since May 14, 2022.
Animal information
Animal Name: MAX
Located At: Miami-Dade Animal Services
Kennel Number: RECEIVING
Description: I am an unaltered male, black and tan German Shepherd Dog.
Age: The shelter staff think I am about 3 years old
More Info: I have been at the shelter since May 14, 2022.
Although I am still in my stray holding period, I may be available for the Foster to Adopt Program. Cick here to learn more.
Data Updated: This information was refreshed 27 minutes ago.
Please share Max’s plight with friends, family and social media contacts. Sharing saves lives, and Max needs help now.
Please see below – adoptions are made in person at at the shelter Miami Dade Animal Services3599 NW 79th Avenue, Doral, Florida 33166Call (305) 884-1101 or email [email protected]
Location: Miami-Dade Animal Services
Website: www.miamidade.gov/animals
Phone Number: (305) 884-1101
Address: 3599 NW 79 Avenue
Doral, FL 33122
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