On Saturday morning, a devastating house fire claimed the lives of 76 small dogs in Avoca, Arkansas. As reported by 4029 TV, a total of 73 dogs were saved from the residence. Avoca Fire Department Assistant Chief, Brian Ervin described the scene when first responders arrived:
“Heavy smoke showing and also the homeowners were trying to get dogs out of the house,”
A team of rescuers worked to save the dogs from the smoke inhalation; all of the people living in the residence escaped unharmed.
The how and why regarding the number of dogs in a single-family residence remains unclear. The Humane Society for Animals, which took in the canine survivors, said:
These dogs are a part of an active investigation. As you may know, due to the legal actions being taken, we cannot divulge much information. What we can say is, these dogs are getting the care & attention that they deserve. They will be held in our custody for a minimum of two weeks, most likely longer, depending on how long the investigation takes.

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