An escape artist, named Big, was recently taken in at the Kanawha-Charleston Humane Association after being hit by a car. Because of Big’s propensity to escape from his yard, staff at the animal shelter was familiar with him. The shelter explained Big’s personality and recounted how they knew him:
Our staff know him on sight, we love him! He’s incredibly friendly. So friendly in fact, that he used to get out of the yard and walk down the street until he could jump in a car with strangers for a visit! The strangers would then bring him up to KCHA. This lovable guy had a dad who would come running every time he was brought to the shelter. His human tried everything to keep this dog from escaping, including letting us neuter him! Finally he just wouldn’t let Big out except for leashed potty walks to keep him safe. He wanted to do what was best for Big
So when Big came to us earlier week, hit by a car, we thought, “his dad must be on his way!” …but no dad arrived, and his phone was disconnected.
Our team had gotten to know his owner pretty well and remembered we had his sister’s number too! We called her to see where his dad was.
The sister told staff that Big’s owner had died in September and Big got out of his yard a short time later and had been on the run ever since…searching for his owner. The shelter said:
Now Big needs our help to heal – physically and emotionally.
He has a broken pelvis from being hit by the car. His hip had been dislocated but luckily our vet was able to get it back into the socket. He’s got some very intense bruising, swelling, and scrapes – no surprise there.
He also has a broken heart, and sometimes that’s the hardest thing to heal 💔

Big is receiving much-needed veterinary care and he seems to be settling in at the shelter.

The shelter thanked those who have donated on behalf of Big’s veterinary expenses:
Thank you all so much for your love and support for Big and our shelter pets. It is incredible to see everyone show him so much love
You can follow Big’s journey at this link to the shelter’s Facebook page.
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