In Alpharetta, Georgia, an obese beagle named Dale Junior needs a special person to help. He’s a very good boy, and of course, being a beagle, he loves to eat. For years, Dale Junior used those soft, brown eyes to hypnotize his owner to give him more and more food.
My mom loved me so much she just kept feeding me to make me happy. Now we both think maybe that wasn’t a good idea. I weigh 95 pounds today. Beagles like to sniff and chase things, but I can’t really do that. It’s exhausting even to walk around and smell things.
Dale Junior on Facebook
Recently there were changes in the family dynamics, and after seven years of being an indoor house pal, Dale Junior found himself exiled to the yard. He was hot, lonely and confused, and wasn’t seeing much of his mom anymore. Everyone was unhappy.
Sometimes humans need to make difficult decisions, and Dale Junior’s mom reached out to Angels Among Us Pet Rescue for help. Once he arrives, he will need a foster home where he can receive the support and love, and of course a special diet along with an exercise plan to help him become an inquisitive and lively beagle again.
Can you help?
The links below will show you how.
APPLY TO FOSTER: www.angelsrescue.org/foster
WAYS TO GIVE: Click the donate button on this post. By using this button you donate directly to Dale Junior.
Follow this link and choose Dale Junior from the dropdown menu.www.angelsrescue.org/donate
To donate by mail: Angels Among Us Pet Rescue P.O. Box 82Alpharetta, GA 30009.
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