Four puppies with no homes and no humans who have ever cared about them, can only rely upon their instincts and their wits to survive. Their wills to live remain constant in Rio Grande Valley, Texas; the meeting point for Mexico and the United States. Their mom has since run away; the puppies only have each other and depend on each other to live another day.

The information about these puppies is being shared on social media, and it is hoped an approved rescue organization will step forward before it’s too late. Local rescuer Leslie Hennings tells the heartbreaking story:
The brave one comes out. To scare away predators. Protecting his siblings. His tiny puppy growl is supposed to terrify predators away. This puppy is protecting his 3 siblings and mother under an abandoned truck. They desperately need a rescue and foster! Doxie mixes!
Leslie Hennings Facebook

The bravest of the puppies guards her siblings; the family lives under an abandoned truck in an abandoned area. So many abandoned pets have been dropped off, wandered away from their homes or simply have never been wanted. Too often they die waiting for help.

Please share these photos and the plights of these unwanted strays with approved rescue organizations. Good Samaritans have spotted these dogs, reported their locations and have reached out for help. Rescuer Leslie Hennings is helping. Shelters in the area are rural, small and overcrowded. There is little else for shelters to do than to euthanize young, healthy dogs because they have no one to adopt them.
For more information about these dogs, contact Leslie Hennings here.
(Please note Pet Rescue Report is not the point of contact.)
Follow the National Pet Rescue on Facebook for the latest animal related news.
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