As a tearful family prepared to settle the estate of their father who had passed months ago, they decided to make sure his home in Berry Springs, California had been emptied of all the precious memories and ready the property for sale. Kathleen Martinez’ father had lived down a long dirt road along a line of large lots; the houses standing alone in the middle. The flat, dusty lane ran into a small mountain range on the horizon. Kathleen’s father had lived in one of these houses,

Kathleen Martinez heard a high pitched cry coming from the area of the dumpster.
… when I discovered a puppy in the dumpster at his house where he lived when he died. I happen to stop a moment & look to see if it is empty or quite full. It was utter shock to find a live injured puppy in there whom by now was screaming at me! So YES I went dumpster diving of course I did!

The seven-week-old puppy was weak and dehydrated and also had two deep wounds on his right front leg and in the middle of his forehead. After she rushed him to the veterinarian, she was told the puppy had been shot and his leg badly fractured. Because Kathleen did not have the funds to help the puppy, she searched for an animal organization who would have the resources to help. She had named the puppy William after her deceased father; the puppy’s nickname soon turned into Baby Billy and had already fallen in love with the adorable pooch.

It is not known how long the puppy had been in the closed dumpster. There he was – left in the desert heat, no water, no food, shot and scared. Fortunately, Faith Easdale and her team at Dream Fetchers Project Rescue stepped forward. Billy was transported to Irvine for his initial care and then moved to Anaheim and the Animal Orthopedic Center for surgery. An intricate surgical procedure, using an “external fixator” connected to the surgical hardware inside of his leg, will help the broken bones to heal. Puppies at that age can quickly run into complications as their bones grow so quickly.

Unfortunately, it also appears Billy is blind. It could be a birth defect, or may have been caused by the shot he took to his head; hopefully the blindness is only temporary, but he will be needing further evaluation by a specialist.

He’s with an amazing foster and all the neighbors love him! The way his life should have began! Instead of the evil cruel beginning he had I’m sure he’s already forgotten He has obstacles to overcome But with everyone’s support He will He’s such a lucky baby
Faith Easdale Dream Fetchers Project Rescue
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