Her supporters identify as Team Athena, and there’s no stopping this adorable pooch whose gone from the worst of life to the best of life and has never looked back.
Athena’s life challenging plight began in February 2022 in Baytown, Texas when someone posted about a dog in terrible need. The dog had been lying in the middle of the road while cars swerved around her. The Good Samaritan had been in tears as she described the terrible injuries the dog had sustained.
(Disturbing words and phrases have been deleted)

“…I saw a dog (pit bull) in the middle of the road and everyone driving around him. As I passed I noticed he/she the dog’s front legs had been _____ at the knees and she was walking on the ____. There was blood everywhere. I turned around and followed the dog to the back of the church. Went back to truck to get phone and when I came back it was gone. I looked for the dog for over an hour, but…
This is Houston

That afternoon it was discovered that Athena had been spotted next to train tracks and had lost one of her paws as a result of likely being restrained. Her other leg had been seriously compromised also. After rescuers found Athena, ThisIsHouston offered to help, and her rescuers took her to Blue Pearl. She instantly received pain injections; her bloodwork had been surprisingly in the normal ranges.
Veterinarians had suggested Athena be humanely euthanized due to the extent of her injuries and the possibility she would be in terrible pain. The animal rescue organization, instead decided to do a wait and see – there would be more testing, and they would wait for more surgical opinions about the dog’s front legs and her future.

Athena wasn’t giving up nor was ThisIsHouston. Multiple surgeries were performed giving the dog a chance at prostheses for one or both legs.
And some how dogs just see the positive parts of life! Athena is up – running around and as happy as any dog whose life has been perfect.
Check out her latest video:
At first we walked, now we run! (Sort of
) Athena is getting the hang of her new devices with each passing day. So many new things to see and explore! Stay tuned for the next chapter of her great adventure!
Read her prior coverage here.
To donate to Athena’s care:
Venmo @ThisIsHouston
Cash App $ThisIsHouston
Checks: PO Box 2821, Houston TX 77252
*Please note the ER she’s at does not accept donations over the phone*
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