In Portland, Maine, “Nellie” had been on her way to a trial visit at a potential home from the Animal Refuge League of Greater Portland last month when she escaped.
For 26 long days, volunteers and staff nailed posters to trees, tracked sightings along the turnpike in Scarborough where she had been spotted, placed cameras, set up feeding stations and sprayed scents; all the while trying to move as quietly as possible to help Nellie stay calm.
Rescuers knew the general area where Nellie had been hiding and were finally able to lure her to a humane trap using some tasty treats and food they knew she loved.

Upon arrival yesterday our veterinary team gave Nellie a thorough examination. She has lost a decent amount of weight and has an extensive leg wound. Our community urgent care partner, PetMedic Urgent Care Vet Clinic – Portland provided x-rays and confirmed no broken bones. We are diligently treating her wound and expect it to heal with no issue. She is so happy to be back with our amazing canine staff and has been enjoying lots of TLC and attention (and, of course, extra meals and treats to add some weight back on.
Nellie has certainly taught us the importance of patience, persistency, and resiliency. A lesson we won’t soon forget.
Facebook Animal Refuge League
There have been multiple offers to foster and/or adopt Nellie. At this time however, Nellie is still recuperating from her injuries.
Welcome home Nellie.
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