At the California City Animal Shelter in California City, a four-month-old puppy arrived a few days ago; she had been spray painted green. Because of her condition, the shelter only wanted her to be released as “rescue only.” Love Leo Rescue stepped up to help.
Dubbed “Clover” by her rescuers, the puppy was immediately transported to North Valley Veterinarian Center for treatment. Once the paint was removed, vets saw how severe her injuries were, which included chemical burns over a good portion of her body. It is unclear whether she was painted or burned first. Clover was given two medicated baths which removed most of the paint. Her underlying wounds are also being treated, and blood work, a urinalysis and treating an eye infection continues.

Clover is healing well. Emotionally, she’s obviously very shut down due to everything she has gone through. The staff at @nvvc.av has her hanging out in the manager’s office so she can get extra love and affection. We’re so grateful to them for giving her the VIP treatment. They recommend she stays with them through the weekend and revaluate her on Monday. Until then — she is in the best of hands
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A $5,500 reward has been offered for the arrest and conviction of the person(s) responsible for this animal cruelty. Anyone with information is asked to contact the organization if you know anything about a 30 pound, blue-and-white pit bull was found on the streets of California city covered in green paint. www.Loveleorescue.org. All information will be confidential.

Get well soon Clover.
To help Clover:
Venmo: loveleorescue
PayPal: loveleorescue@abdul99457
Zelle: loveleorescue
Cash app: loveleorescue
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