In Youngstown, Ohio, the Youngstown Police Department were called to a location on the East side of the city on Sunday after receiving a report about a dog chained to the back of a car and dragged down the road.

According to the Animal Charity of Ohio, their humane agent arrived at the scene a short time after police. Eyewitnesses explained how they saw the dog named Oreo being dragged behind a car going approximately 35 miles per hour. Oreo had been dragged approximately 100 yards and then moved and chained in the backyard.

Upon examination, Oreo had been found missing all of her nails on one foot, suffered from severe abrasions on her legs, stomach and chin. The dog seemed so relieved when the humane agent picked her up and softly whispered in her ear that everything would now be better.

Oreo was rushed to the veterinarian where she has been sedated and has had her injuries cleaned. She has at least two broken toes on each paw, and her paws have been degloved with abrasions on all four legs – her rear leg most severely injured. The road rash on her abdomen caused considerable bleeding.
Despite the horrific abuse Oreo just endured she is still wagging her tail and wants to be held. We will continue to monitor throughout the day, she is resting comfortably right now with pain medication and antibiotics on board.
Animal Charity of Ohio Facebook
Animal cruelty charges are pending.
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