Mae appeared on someone’s doorstep along the outskirts of Houston inside of a pet carrier on Friday . She had been so weak and unable to get on her feet, she could only urinate on herself. Her skin was raw and infected. ThisIsHouston rushed to her rescue.

At the Blue Pearl Spring Emergency Veterinary, she was administered intravenous fluids and antibiotics. She was dangerously anemic from hookworms and suffered from a severe load of intestinal parasites. Just a year-and-a-half old and weighing only 10 pounds, life had not been kind to Mae.

Check out the video when Mae’s life was about to get better:
She received 24/7 treatment for the weekend, and on Sunday, Mae started feeling better. Her recovery, however will be a long journey.

It takes about one to two months for skin to heal from this point, but she is in loving hands, and it all gets better from here. Many thanks to everyone who have helped.

To donate to Mae’s care:
Venmo @ThisIsHoustonthis-is-houston.org/ways-to-help/donate/
Checks: PO Box 2821, Houston TX 77252
Updates on Mae to follow.
Follow the National Pet Rescue for the latest news and updates.
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