A skin and bones dog, too weak to stand or even lift her head, was discarded beneath an overpass in New Orleans last month. The dog, dubbed Hope, was found by a good Samaritan who rushed her to an emergency veterinarian for care.
Though Hope appeared to be on the brink of death when she was found, she has shown the world that she is a true survivor. Defying the odds, Hope made it through the touch-and-go days after she was brought to the veterinary hospital and she got strong enough to leave for foster care.
Onyx’s Legacy Animal Rescue writes:
On May 17 the doctor declared her strong enough to go into foster care. That was the first day I ever met her.
And today, I stare at her in absolute awe. Not just of the physical recovery but the mental recovery too. I cannot imagine how she felt every single day as her body was withering away.

On June 1, the rescue group updated Facebook fans about Hope’s miraculous recovery, writing:
She has gained nearly 10 POUNDS!
She is still amazingly sweet. Wants to play and run. She adores anything with a beating heart. She knows sit, stay, come, lay down, and she heels with a whistle.
And the best news of all…she will be going to her forever home in New Jersey this week.
Find the rescue group on Facebook here.
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