Diesel has been waiting for the perfect home for so long. He hasn’t had an easy life, and it sure would fill the hearts of the staff and volunteers at the Charles Smithgall Humane Society and Adoption Center if someone wanted to adopt Diesel and shower him with love. Sadly, no one comes for him.
Diesel’s owner died in a fire more than five years ago. Diesel still wears the sadness of having lost his best friend. He was adopted once, but that didn’t work out, and Diesel still seems to be so forlorn and just doesn’t have the “joie de vivre” (exuberance of life) to attract potential new families when they visit the shelter.
As to the perfect home for this adorable pooch, he would be happiest as an only dog. He loves attention, and because he wants to make up for being alone for such a long time, there doesn’t seem to be any room for another dog. Diesel, does get his joy from people; he loves gentle strokes atop his head, a quiet environment and of course – lots of treats.
Diesel loves his walks and getting out of his kennel. What fun he has rolling in the grass, enjoying the sunshine and being around people. Sadly, he doesn’t expect much anymore, but now it’s time to change all of that sadness into one of glee and doggy smiles. It’s time to change Diesel’s luck and help him find “his” person who will open their heart and home. He is most likely house-trained and sure could use some one-on-one attention and help this sweet guy be all that he can be.
A Diesel supporter writes:
Diesel is a softie and you just cannot help but love him. Despite being large, in the right environment he walks like a dream and is easy to handle. This well-behaved boy is a shelter favorite and we would love nothing more than a soft landing for him.
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Please share his story and help Diesel find a new person to love. If interested in Diesel, please submit an application online at: https://www.charlessmithgallhumanesociety.org/…/dog…
Charles Smithgall Humane Society is a no-kill shelter and adoption center located in the NE GA mountains. Their residents are available to approved adopters. They are a no-kill shelter which utilizes the adoption center, social media and offsite adoption events to present their animals to potential adopters.
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