At the Pender County Animal Shelter located in Burgaw, North Carolina, more than a dozen lost dogs are still looking for their families. The shelter desperately needs room and is asking for the public’s help and have posted photos of dogs still on their mandatory hold period or who will soon be eligible for adoption if no one shows up to claim them.
Our featured cover pup is so sad and dearly misses her family, but no one has yet to arrive. She is only 10 months old, and will be available soon, as will the other very deserving pets able to be viewed. Check out their photos here.
The dogs are currently on their 72-hour hold list. No dogs can be eligible for adoption unless they are spayed or neutered. More than 40 dogs are in need of homes; some are available to go home with a new family today.

And let’s not forget the cats and kittens at the shelter There are more than 100 cats at the shelter – only 14 are currently available for adoption. The veterinarian will not be back until next week to begin the spay and neuter surgeries necessary before any animal can leave the shelter.
Please check out some of these cats just patiently waiting for homes:

Please share the plights of these dogs and cats with friends, family and social media contacts. Of course, the first choice is to reunited the lost or stolen pets with their families, but new families are welcome. No need to shop for your new companion when you can adopt.
Follow the National Pet Rescue for the latest news and updates.
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