Julia was found all alone at a Houston park just three days ago. Rescuers from ThisIsHouston rushed her to their partner Blue Pearl Emergency Veterinarian’s hospital where she was administered heat support and started on intravenous fluids to rehydrate her tiny body. Julia had been estimated to be about six-weeks-old and weighing 2.2 pounds, didn’t deserve to begin her life abandoned in pain and crying for her mother.

The puppy suffered from a severe case of mange that had her head and face so caked, it had become as hard as a rock and cracked. For the last two days she had been on fluids and seemed bright and alert when volunteers visited her, even though she could barely open her tiny eyes.
Over the weekend, Julia had trouble breathing and was administered oxygen. Fortunately, the puppy’s condition has improved. On Sunday afternoon, Julia’s new life has begun.

She was treated appropriately and now she gets to snuggle and cuddle with her foster mom. Her skin is also looking so much better thanks to medicated baths and good TLC. We can’t wait to see this girl blossom.
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To send Julia a gift from her wishlist: https://a.co/31X4sL0
To donate to Julia’s care:Paypal.me/ThisIsHoustonTX
Venmo @ThisIsHoustonthis-is-houston.org/ways-to-help/donate/
Checks: PO Box 2821, Houston TX 77252
Read previous coverage of Julia here.