A dog named Mocha spent over 520 days at the Fairfield County (South Carolina) Animal Shelter and the lengthy stay took a toll on her emotions. During her time at the facility, she became reactive and “very angry at the world.”
Mocha’s emotional distress made her essentially unadoptable but her broken heart and weary mind have been healed thanks to a foster for Charley’s K9 Rescue. The agency posted a heartwarming photo of Mocha on Monday, explaining how she was saved by love:
Dear Foster Dad,
After 524 days locked up in a shelter, I didn’t come to you at my best. You see, at 5 years old, I was used to having to fend for myself. I wasn’t quite sure that I could trust humans. You quickly figured out that I had been hit and it didn’t take too long for you to realize that I had been kicked too. It wasn’t your fault that I reacted out of fear but you gave me time and space to learn to trust you. You showed me love when I needed it most.
I want to thank you foster dad for all the love and patience you showed me. I have learned to be a good girl. I no longer run away from hands and people. Instead, I seek out love. Because of you foster dad, I now have a REAL dad in a REAL home. No more life on the streets. I sleep in a bed and get all the snuggles.
I hope you know that no one else wanted to give me a chance but you changed my life forever.
Please consider fostering a shelter dog if you are able to.
(Image via Charleys K9 Rescue/Facebook)