A basset hound named Marshall barely resembles himself following surgeries to remove a massive tumor from his mouth. Marshall was rescued from an open-intake animal shelter in Texas in mid-March. Photos of the ailing dog sparked a great deal of interest on social media and led to him being taken under the wing of the Basset Buddies Rescue of Texas.

While in the care of the rescue group, Marshall has undergone surgeries to address the aggressive tumor growing in his mouth. The most recent surgery at Texas A & M was completed days ago and the rescue group shared heartwarming news of his remarkable recovery, writing:
Though the reports are not in yet, the surgeons were confident they’ve gotten every bit of that awful tumor!
He was supposed to remain hospitalized throughout the weekend, but in a plot twist so crazy that only Marshall could pull it off……he was doing SO well that the hospital released him early!
This old guy is full of determination to heal!!
According to the rescue agency, Marshall is doing well at his foster home and he is in “good spirits and eating well.”
You can follow Marshall’s journey at this link to the rescue group’s Facebook page.
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