A skeletal German shepherd was saved from being put down thanks to a rescue agency volunteer who got to the shelter in the nick of time. The Westside German Shepherd Rescue introduced Facebook followers to Liesl on Thursday, explaining how she was saved and describing her pitiful condition:
She was to be euthanized at 2:00! Our volunteer was there just in time. Poor thing is just a mess: she is like a skeleton, her eyes are sunken in from dehydration, filthy and crusted from horrible care. She is congested and puffs out her cheeks as she breaths.
The rescue agency is determined to bring Liesl back to good health and show her that life can be good. You can follow her journey and/or make a donation to her rescuers, at this link to Facebook.
Donations can also be mailed to:
Westside German Shepherd Rescue
3016 S. Hill St.
Los Angeles, CA 90007
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