After 8 years as loyal family pet owner left dog death sentence because he was ‘too big’


At the Brooklyn shelter location for New York City Animal Care Centers, “Future” was handed a death sentence when his owner surrendered him because the dog was “too big.” Sadly, Future’s life was summarized into just a few sentences including how he likes to play tug with frisbees, he was kept mostly indoors, ate dry food only, slept in his doggie bed and was good with children.

The only complaint from Future’s owner – the dog barked too much, and he was just “too big.”

And now Future waits for his final walk down the lonely hall into a room with strangers and a final farewell. All he can think of is wanting to go home, but that is never going to happen.

A volunteer described this super pooch:

Yes, he is shy of new people, and that is why he is not doing well at the shelter, but it’s more about his shattered, shredded, broken heart than anything else. Huddled at the back of the kennel, facing the wall, reliving all the memories of a happier life in the home where he thought he had been loved. Future needs a future, and we are advocating so hard for this wonderful senior guy who is deserving of a family that NEVER leaves – especially for such a bullsh*t stupid reason. If you are an experienced foster or adopter in a home with older kids he can’t knock over and where he can be your only dog, hurry and save his life now…

Facebook NYC Dogs Lives Matter

Future’s behavior notes indicate on June 1,(four days after he arrived) when a handler approached, he stood up with his tail tucked, head held low and ran forward allowing the handler to leash him. He remained that way for most of his walk and in the play yard sniffed around and pulled away towards the exits. He didn’t want any treats, and when returned to his kennel remained aloof.

The next day, when a handler approached, Future wagged his tail, approached the front of his kennel cage and allowed easy leashing. Even though he was a bit more relaxed, he didn’t engage with his handler except for a quick look, didn’t want any treats and returned to his kennel without issue.

Staff notes:

…Future has displayed a high level of fear and remains shut down. Though able to be leashed and taken out for walks, he remains nervous, often walking with a low body and tucked tail. He has not yet appeared social with handlers or solicited handling or touch. Due to his level of fear, Future is only handled by select caretakers. Future may benefit most from leaving the shelter environment and should be placed into an adult only home under the guidance of an ACC approved rescue partner. He should be the only resident dog in a future home, and should be placed with caretakers who have experience working with highly fearful dogs.

Facebook NYC Dogs Lives Matter

Future’s adoption listing:

Hello, my name is Future.

My animal id is #142920.I am a desexed male brown dog at the Brooklyn Animal Care Center. The shelter thinks I am about 8 years 1 months old.

Weight: 68.8 lbs

I came into the shelter as a owner surrender.

Future is on emergency placement for behavior concerns. Future is highly fearful in the care center and has only allowed for minimal handling; he has been observed to hard bark and growl when approached in kennel at times as well. Medically, Future is apparently healthy

Check out his video:

TO SAVE FUTURE #142920, please post on THREAD, PRIVATE MESSAGE OUR PAGE, or EMAIL US at NYCDogsLivesMatter@abdul99457

Additional Behavior and Medical Notes can be found here:…/a.36161848…/5486254618100307/

Please share Future’s plight with approved rescue organizations, friends, family and social media contacts. This dog’s life is about to end – no fault of his own. Sharing saves lives.

Additional information can be found here.

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