Have you ever seen an emu in a custom designed wheelchair? Thanks to the pet mobility company Walkin’ Pets, a two-month-old emu rescued from a farm in Wisconsin where he lived in a tote bag, now gets around; and for the first time in his life, has found his own groove.
According to the Bella View Animal Sanctuary, when rescued Lemu was only half the size of his other siblings. More than likely, Lemu had been kept in poor conditions and did not receive the care he needed. A slipped tendon affects mobility and is usually caused by lack of nutrition.
When notified of Lemu’s condition, Rhonda Farrell, the founder of the sanctuary, sent out a plea on social media to bring Lemu from Wisconsin to North Carolina where he could get the help he needed.

With seven goats at the sanctuary equipped with wheelchairs, Rhonda and her team knew what to do, and Walkin’ Pets designed the very first emu wheels. He has been taking steps and learning to live independently with the other animals at the sanctuary.

However, instead of walking, he took off running! The wheelchair now allows Lemu to live a life that is suitable for him and his special needs.
Walkin’ Pets Facebook
Bella View Farm Animal Sanctuary provides care, healing, and a permanent loving home for special needs baby farm animals (especially baby goats) Their mission to provide sanctuary to those needing extra care, and just because they are “different” doesn’t mean they are any less deserving of a full and happy life.
Check out the Lido’s video:
(Photos Bella View Animal Sanctuary)
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