Cats and kittens trapped in an outdoor structure after the death of their owner suffered greatly before anyone realized what had happened. On June 17, Iowa’s Boone Area Humane Society recounted the tragic situation, explaining how the conditions resulted in multiple deaths:
Tonight we are rescuing around 20 cats from a very sad situation. The person who was caring for the cats passed away at some point last week and these poor cats have been alone in a neglected outdoor pen with no fresh food or water throughout all the terrible heat and severe storms last week.

So far we have rescued 8 adult cats and 3 kittens who are now recovering at the shelter. The mama to the kittens along with 4 other cats were found deceased😿. We are in the process of trapping the remaining cats and we’ll get them to the shelter asap for treatment and care.
The shelter has outlined multiple ways for you to help:
Here’s what you can do to help these cats and kittens:Donate! While some of these cats are already spayed and neutered, many of the them will need further medical help. You can donate on this post, on our website at https://bahs.us/donate/ or thru Paypal at [email protected].
Send kitten food and litter from our Amazon or Chewy wish lists at http://bit.ly/Amazon_wishlist or https://bit.ly/BAHS_Chewy_Wishlist
Adopt! While these cats are not ready for adoption yet, we have a lot of great animals looking for homes. Adopting a cat will help free up space for other homeless animals! https://bahs.us/adoptables/
Join our foster team. Learn more about our foster program and fill out an application at https://bahs.us/foster/
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