This week, an Ohio animal shelter took in a special, bonded duo. On Tuesday, the Ross County Humane Society reached out to the public with a “special request” for the pair, writing:
We don’t usually post intakes on this page but we have a special request. This sweet lab and her emotional support kitten were found today on Sugartree Road. The lab is very attached to the kitten even sharing her food with it.
The shelter hoped to find the owner of the dog and kitten, and in the meantime, they wanted to secure a foster home for the pair to stay in until the owner was found:
We would love to find the owners for these two but are also seeking a foster for them together while they await their stray hold to lapse or an owner to come forward. They must go together. We have no where to house a kitten in the shelter and they will be separated if we cannot find a foster for them and they are going to be very sad.

Hours after the initial post, the shelter stated:
Ross County Humane Society
Thank you for sharing. Both of these lovelies will be available for adoption after they are seen at our vets office today. They will be heading into a foster home for a few days. We were able to determine ownership of the dog and she and the kitten will remain in the custody of the shelter. 🙂
Of note: We know that sometimes it is necessary to rehome your pets and we fully support doing the right thing for you and for your pets. Please just be cautious of who you are giving your pets away to. Also, make sure that you keep records and contact information for the rehome in case it is needed in the future.
The dog and her tiny feline friend are safe and have a secured foster home to go to. Undoubtedly they will find a forever home soon. Follow the Ross County Humane Society on Facebook here.
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