Special delivery puppies born shortly after mom surrendered to shelter


The SPCA of Wake County has taken in seven tiny puppies just born along with their mom from a local shelter in North Carolina. The mom, Anabelle, had been heavily pregnant when she was surrendered, and just days later she introduced her family to the world.

A shelter environment is obviously no place to have puppies, and so they were all transferred to the SPCA Wake where an experienced foster home will care for the family as Anabelle nurses and raises her puppies.

Moms with puppies are one of the hardest groups to rescue because they need a foster volunteer who can take them in for up to 8 weeks at a time. There are many more families like this in urgent need, but we can’t rescue them without your help. If you would like to learn more about providing a safe space for neonatal puppies so you can save the lives of a family like this, please contact us!

SPCA of Wake County

Volunteers able to foster, please click here.

There are four females and three males. These pups won’t be available for adoption for another 7-8 weeks, but once they are, they will be on the website at spcawake.org/dogs where you can begin the adoption process.

A matching fundraiser is currently underway. Every $1 you donate will be matched in donated veterinary services from Care First Animal Hospital to help save the lives of shelter pets with urgent medical needs.

Please visit the fundraiser at facebook.com/donate/575469470680234 to make a donation that will save TWICE as many lives.

Check out these puppies – guaranteed to make you smile. Please don’t shop for your next puppy when you can adopt.

Follow the National Pet Rescue for the latest news and updates.
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