One week ago, it had been a “ruff” day for a small dog in need of help from kind friends. As a motorist had been driving along I75, she spotted a dog in the ditch by one of the signs for Exit 20. And even though this Good Samaritan would have been late for her appointment, she had just seen a trooper in his vehicle in the median not far from the dog’s location and went back to ask him for help.

Trooper Tudors was glad to help and followed the driver to where the dog helplessly lying in the ditch and heavily panting from the intense heat of the day. The officer dumped his own jug of Koolaid and fashioned a water bowl for the dog. He added a Little Debby, and she was so hungry she devoured the cupcake quickly.

On Friday, officials said Trooper Tudors adopted the dog and named her Princess.
Animal control services said the dog continues to receive treatment but will be able to go to her new home soon.
Read previous coverage here.
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