The Minneapolis City Council approved a $150,000 settlement payment to the family this week whose two dogs were shot by Minneapolis police in 2017. When Officer Michael Mays responded to a burglary alarm and entered the family’s backyard, surveillance cameras and the officer’s body camera showed the two dogs approaching the officer and then the officer firing at them.

According to Justice for our dogs Ciroc and Rocko, Facebook page, Officer Mays stated the dogs had been growling at him, however there was no audio to confirm. People viewing the video were outraged as one of the dogs could be seen eagerly wagging his tail and turning away. The burglary call turned out to be a false alarm.
The officer was not charged criminally, but the owner of the dogs hired Padden Law Firm PLLC and filed suit against the city.
We settled in federal court on 6/9. Until city counsel accepts the offer I can’t publicly speak beyond that. But just know the RoccBoyz did win, even after they appealled for immunity which was denied, it’s been a long ass road over these past 5 yrs. We’re thankful for it to be over and done once n for all.
Facebook – (before the settlement was approved)

Both dogs survived after having been shot several times each. And now after five years Ciroc and Rocko can finally relax.
Check out the original video here:
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