Just one week ago, in Memphis, Tennessee, fast acting Good Samaritans saved the life of a dog intentionally set on fire in the Nutbush community near Chelsea and Graham. It was the worst sight neighbors had ever seen, but no one hesitated to help.
According to Fox13 News, a surveillance video showed neighbors racing to the dog’s rescue – one person with a garden hose and another woman carrying a bucket of water from her pool.
Tails of Hope Rescue stepped up to help; they named the friendly dog Riona, and she is currently being fostered by Bluff City Veterinary Specialists who believed she had intentionally been set on fire. She suffered fourth-degree burns to her face and left side, and first-degree burns to the other parts of her body.

When she arrived at the vet hospital, she smelled from fuel which had been dumped all over her and then ignited. Her burns cover 60% of her body, and twice a day she is rebandaged and treated.
There is no excuse for animal abuse” 7 words. 7 very important words. Riona was beyond abused: she was tortured. She has the scars around her neck from a tie out.She had older scars on her body from previous injuries. She was doused with diesel fuel and set on fire. 60% of her body had 4th degree burns. Most on her left side. She has already lost most of her left ear.
Facebook Tails of Hope Rescue
And through all of this, Riona still loves everyone and has a happy tail wag for sweet words and the kind touches of human hands. She still loves people Bluff City Vet Specialists Assistant Manager Kylie Hunter told supporters.

Memphis Animal Services and Memphis Police responded to the scene and are investigating. Tails of Hope Rescue continues to raise funds for her recovery, and a reward for information leading to an arrest in Riona’s case. That reward is now up to $5,500.
Check out her videos – no doubt this girl has the best disposition and a strong will to live.
Updates to follow.
If you know anything about this incident call Crimestoppers at 901-528-CASH.
Donations can be made for Riona via:Venmo @tailsofhopedogrescue
PayPal: tailsofhopedr@abrahamfortney
Directly to her bill: (901) 498-9661By Mail: PO Box 30245 Memphis TN 38118.
Follow the National Pet Rescue for the latest news and updates.
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