Two dogs are lucky to be alive after someone left them alone in a vacant apartment in Baltimore, Maryland. According to the BARCS Animal Shelter, the dogs, dubbed Small Fry and Fish Fry, were abandoned after their owner was evicted. One of the dogs, Small Fry, was clinging to life when she was rescued. On Thursday, the shelter described her pitiful condition:
At only 26 pounds, Small Fry is skin and bone; she has zero muscle mass, and she is so weak she cannot stand. When officers arrived on the scene, they were stunned to see poor, sweet Small Fry, who was trying so hard to stand and wag her tail to greet these new people. Small Fry is one of the worst cases of emaciation we’ve seen—even our veterinary medical director, who has treated hundreds of thousands of animals during her years at BARCS, has said that Small Fry’s case is haunting.
The other dog, Fish Fry, is being hailed a hero for his efforts to draw attention to the life-or-death situation inside of the apartment:
We have to wonder if her brother Fish Fry knew that Small Fry was going to die soon if help didn’t arrive. He used his voice to ask for help—and thankfully, help arrived just in time. His barks saved her life.
On Friday, the shelter updated Facebook followers with the dogs’ condition:
Our medical team wanted to share with all of Small Fry’s supporters that she is showing some improvement this afternoon. Her bloodwork looks good today and her blood pressure is stable. There are currently no signs of refeeding syndrome which is always the major concern with animals like her with such extreme emaciation. However, she is still on IV fluids and heat support because she is unable to regulate her own body temperature. Small Fry has been trying to get on her feet this morning but she is still too weak for mobility.
And answered questions about Small Fry’s heroic brother:
He is in better condition than his sister and is staying in one of our more quiet kennel rooms. Fish Fry is shy and unsure of our shelter, which is understandable for everything he has been through. Our training and enrichment team is working with Fish Fry to help him come out of his shell.
You can follow the dogs’ progress at this link to Facebook.
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