In the city of Jundiai in southwest Brazil, a young boy was heartbroken when Mili, the dog his family adopted after having living in an abusive home, went missing. All day, young Leandro searched for his dog, but no luck.
According to G1News, in another part of the city, a firefighter, Juninho Giugni, had heard about a small dog wandering the streets. The dog likely wasn’t a stray; he had been wearing a sweater and seemed to have been on a search for someone. Giugni suspected the dog had a home and was likely lost, and as he asked around town about the dog’s owner, the Civil Defense of Varzea Paulista stated an 11-year-old boy and his family had been desperately searching for their lost dog.

And when Giugni learned who the dog’s family was, he drove to their home and spotted Leandro sitting on the sidewalk waiting for Mili’s return. The moment he saw her, Leandro’s happy tears flowed down his cheeks – the reunion of the two was heartwarming.
Check out the video Giugni shared on Facebook.
(Photos via Facebook and G1News screenshots)
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