Incredible cow with rare disorder of extra limbs undergoes surgery so she can join herd


At the Speranza Animal Rescue located in Mechanicsburg, Pennsylvania, a young cow named Charlotte stares at all the cows in the pasture yearning to become part of the herd. More than likely she doesn’t realize just how different she is – physically that is.

Charlotte has six legs, a bovine who was born with a rare birth defect. The main cause of extra limbs can be the result of the partial development of a conjoined twin, a genetic mutation or from an injury, toxins or infections during the critical phases of fetal development.

As for survival, some cows that have extra limbs that remain small and allows the cow to function normally are fine. In Charlotte’s case, however her extra limbs are cumbersome and interfere in her day to day life. And so, rescued by Janine Guido, a compassionate animal lover with a team of volunteers, Charlotte gets to have a new life.

On Wednesday, Charlotte underwent surgery at New Bolton Center, a renowned standard of care hospital for veterinary medicine.


I JUST got off the phone. Which I’ve been staring at all night 😆🤦‍♀️

Our girl is still waking up from anesthesia…. The surgery took a lot longer than expected.

Her extra legs were actually attached more than thought. So it was much more complicated.

The bones were deeply embedded in the vertebrae by her neck. She lost a good bit of blood and they had to make the decision to leave some extra bone. So she is just going to have a bigger neck… which obviously we don’t care about. We just want her to be functional.

They will update me tomorrow. She will be there til At least Friday.

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Charlotte remains on pain medication and antibiotics. Once she is released from the hospital, she will be on stall rest for at least two weeks while her incisions heal.

Everyone is hoping those sweet mooing sounds from Charlotte will be able to join the others and live a wonderful life. Updates to follow.

Follow the National Pet Rescue for the latest news and updates.
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