For three days a loyal dog waited in Rancho Cucamonga for her owner to return and pick her up from the corner of a street recognizable by a construction sign and a fire hydrant. That was the exact spot where she had been abandoned. She was so scared, but compassionate neighbors who may have been equally as heartbroken, had been leaving the frightened dog food and water. She absolutely wouldn’t let anyone approach her.

It was then a kind heart became the lonely dog’s hero. Nearby resident, Renee’s heart was broken as well, just watching the dog sitting, standing and lying down – all the time carefully perusing the cars and the people passing by, hoping to see that familiar face she knew and loved. How would this poor pup know she was tossed away like an old couch on the corner of the street? How would she know her owner had no plans to return?

Renee reached out for Suzette Hall for help, and volunteers hurried to the area where the dog waited. When they arrived, they immediately recognized this would be a difficult rescue attempt. The dog barked at other people and other dogs from her corner, as if she was protecting her own area. She wanted everyone to know this is where she had been left, and this is where she was sure her “person” would return for her.
But they didn’t. But you know I never give up. This morning things were quiet. She was so hungry. She was starting to realize we were there to help her. And finally, the best sound in the world. The trap gate shut and she was finally safe. The tears of happiness.
My heart hurt so bad watching her wait. Watching her be so scared. But she will never wait by a construction sign or fire hydrant ever again. Because this sweet baby is rescued.
Suzette Hall

She is not microchipped. Anyone recognize her?

Updates to follow. Poor girl is full of ticks. Donations to help go directly to vet M-F Camino Pet Hospital 949-559-1404 Under Logan’s Legacy29.

Rescued in loving memory of my angel
Forever a eagle
Joshua 1:9
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