At the Speranza Animal Rescue, located in Mechanicsburg, Pennsylvania, a young cow named Charlotte will soon join the other cows in the pasture where she yearns to become a member of the herd. It’s doubtful she realized just how different she was – physically, but all that is behind her now.
Charlotte was born with six legs – a rare birth defect, likely the result of the partial development of a conjoined twin or from a genetic mutation, injury or infection during fetal development.

Just two months ago, the founder of the rescue, Janine Guido, rescued the one-year-old Angus from an auction. When Charlotte arrived, she was completely feral and either had been abused in the past or never handled. And every day Janine worked with Charlotte to build the cow’s confidence and trust.
There have been many questions why the decision was made to remove the two extra legs Charlotte had been carrying around as useless limbs. The decision to amputate the limbs had to be made: as Charlotte grew, her extra limbs would also grow and eventually they would weigh too much for the cow to comfortably carry.
On Wednesday, Charlotte underwent surgery at New Bolton Center, a renowned standard of care hospital for veterinary medicine. Her surgery was a success, and this morning her drains were removed.
Janine arrived at New Bolton Center, helped to load her precious passenger into the trailer and arrived back at the farm earlier today. Click here to see how Charlotte looks and moves in her latest video:
There are lots of praises, lots of excitement and a barn full of good wishes for a complete recovery for Charlotte.
To help with veterinary bills and help Speranza Animal Rescue continue their rescue work, please click here.
Read prior story about Charlotte here.
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