A badly neglected dog, in such poor condition that shelter staff thought he was a senior, is about to enjoy a wonderful life. The dog, dubbed Brad, was taken in at the Cherryland Humane Society in Michigan and his body revealed the sad life he had been leading.
The shelter writes:
How do we start to explain how crushing and heart breaking it is to see animals suffering and in so much pain from years of neglect. Let us tell you Brad’s story. 😓 Brad arrived to us here at CHS suffering from extreme flea bites and skin irritation. So horrible that he has no fur on his tail and deep callouses on his hind legs.
He has spent so many years sleeping and standing on cold concrete that he has some joint pain. We thought he was a senior dog when he arrived to us, but he is actually only 5 years old!

The shelter had hoped to find a foster home for Brad to recuperate in, but they have let Facebook followers know that Brad has a pending adoption. Someone saw his potential and knew that they could provide him with a better life.
Enjoy being loved Brad!
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