A family in Sitka, Alaska, miraculously got their elderly golden retriever, LuLu, back after she wandered away and vanished three weeks ago. As reported by the Daily Sitka Sentinel, the blind senior dog was “barely alive” when she was spotted by a construction crew who initially mistook her for a bear.
LuLu’s owner, Ted Kubacki, told the news agency what their dog means to them:
She means everything. I have five daughters, and they’re 4 to 13 years old, so they’ve spent every day of their life with that dog.”
LuLu was found down an embankment, in some brush, not far from her home. The construction crew managed to pull the elderly dog out of the area where she had been trapped, but it was clear that the time away from home had taken a toll on her body. The senior dog was dehydrated, her fur was dirty and matted and she had lost 25 pounds. When her family first saw their dog, she was too weak to even lift her head.
Fortunately, care at a veterinary clinic quickly turned things around for the senior dog. Her owner said:
“Slowly but surely she started eating and she was kind of able to pick her head up.But then yesterday, she propped herself up on her front paws by herself, like nestled into me and gave me a kiss and wagged her tail and it was just so great.”
A day later, LuLu was back on her feet – a true survivor who beat the odds.
(Screenshot of missing dog via Facebook)
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