The Hertfordshire Police in the United Kingdom had to resort to breaking the back window of an Audi car to rescue a dog after the driver of the vehicle left the dog in the back hatch in spite of the heat of the afternoon. The black vehicle had been in a parking lot, and at least six officers arrived at the scene.
According to the Daily Mail, temperatures outside neared 84 degrees when the dog was rescued shortly before noon on Wednesday. Officers had to break a rear window to reach into the car to get the dog out.
It comes as a national emergency was declared over intense, record-breaking heat. The Met Office is warning the public that their lives could be put at risk with record breaking temperatures expected for the next few days.
A crowd gathered to watch as the rescue of the dog continued. It was reported that the owner of the car had gone shopping and had left the dog in the terrible heated vehicle – no windows were even left slightly open. Even if it’s not boiling hot outside however, does not mean a vehicle won’t heat up to deadly temperatures.
The breed of the dog nor his condition has yet been announced. As part of their Dogs Die In Hot Cars campaign, RSPCA dog welfare expert Dr Samantha Gaines is asking that owners leave their pets comfortable at home.
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