In San Antonio, Texas, the Alamo City Pit Bull Rescue called out to the owners of a 15-year-old dog who surrendered their loyal four-legged companion to the nearby county shelter on Saturday.
Bella’s story deserves to be told:
$156 … one hundred fifty six dollars. That’s how much it would have cost Bella’s family to allow her to pass with dignity, surrounded by those she knew and gave the best 15 years of her life to.
Facebook via Alamo City Pit Bull Rescue
As volunteers and one of the board members of the rescue organization had been picking up another dog named Gizmo from the county shelter on Saturday afternoon, they witnessed Bella’s family surrendering her to the shelter.
Bella was so weak, she had to be carried from the car to the kennel. She had been brought to the shelter by her former owners who stated their dog had been quickly declining in health over the past four days, including loss of appetite, being unresponsive, incontinent and experiencing bloody diarrhea. She could have been spending her last moments in a shelter alone and scared.
No, this was not to happen, and Alamo City Pit Bull Rescue reached out to tag her for rescue.
Her owners could have spent $156 to have her humanely euthanized where she would have been calm and comfortably cuddled in their arms. They would have been left with a ceramic paw print to help cherish a life well lived and loved. Instead they abandoned her at the shelter to be euthanized alone – scared and confused in a noisy shelter among strangers.
It will never be ok but today, two of our volunteers picked Bella up, took her for French fries and a pup cup and held her. They told her how much they loved her as she peacefully passed away at 4pm.
Folks, we understand things happen. Bella’s family did not seek medical attention for their sweet senior. Times are tough and maybe they couldn’t afford significant vet bills but not spending $156… asking a few acquaintances for $20 each… is unacceptable, unforgivable and unfortunately the stark reality for many, many dogs at the shelter right now.
Please take a moment of silence in Bella’s honor and send respect to the volunteers as they reel from a very tough day in rescue. Rest in peace Bella.
If you feel so led – volunteer, foster, adopt, donate and for all our sakes… DON’T LEAVE YOUR SENIOR DOGS AT THE SHELTER.
For more information how you can help, volunteer, adopt or donate, please click here.
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