At the Russell County – Phenix City Animal Shelter in Alabama, the photo of an emaciated German shepherd has broken the hearts of rescuers. No dog should look like this, yet here he is – in need of immediate medical treatment.
His name is Griffin, and he needs a reliable foster to help him now; it is preferable he is placed with a medical foster or an approved rescue organization who can provide the necessary veterinary assistance. Unfortunately, his time is running out, and he could face humane euthanasia at any time because the shelters are so overcrowded, under staffed and not able to afford the veterinary treatment Griffin will need.

ID #A50647845
Available for rescue, adoption or possibly death at any time.
Russell County-Phenix City Animal Shelter
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Griffin needs medical treatment NOW. Please share and pledge so he can be pulled by rescue and receive the attention he needs.
ID #50647845
$585 pledged on this post
$300 anonymous vet sponsor (initial vet estimate)
$212 pledged on shared post*
———-$1097 (July 18)
*We rely on the authors of shared posts to notify their pledgers when a dog is rescued.
Please share Griffin’s plight with approved rescue organizations, friends, family and social media contacts. He’s not cute and cuddly at this time, but deserves to be helped and for sure – he will be restored to his former beauty and health. Sharing saves lives.
Check out his short video here:
Pet Rescue Report is NOT the contact for Griffin. Please use the links provided above to help this dog or contact:
Russell County-Phenix City Animal Shelter
https://www.facebook.com/rcpcasa Webpage
https://www.rcpcasa.com/ website updated daily
Follow the National Pet Rescue for the latest news and updates.
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