On Tuesday, the AnimalKind cat shelter posted a photo of a mother cat and her kitten and stated that the mother is blind and the pair had been trapped on Route 9 in Hudson, New York. The animal welfare agency expressed amazement that the blind cat had survived:
How she survived with her kitten ( who is very protective of her) is a mystery.
People commenting on the Facebook post have also expressed shock that the blind cat managed to survive:

According to the shelter, the cat will receive veterinary care and they are hoping to find a foster home to take the blind mother in:
Is there anyone who would be able to foster the blind mom? [email protected]
Dozens of people have left comments that the mother and her kitten should be fostered together. The shelter has stated that they are over “200 percent capacity” and that “nobody adopts.”
If you are interested in helping this resilient pair, please email [email protected].
Find the Facebook page for the shelter here.
(Image via Facebook)
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