On Tuesday afternoon, an unknown disgusting person threw a sweet dog off a bridge and into the Harlem River. Because of a Good Samaritan and officials from the New York Fire Department, the lucky pup was rescued.

A distress call had been received, and the FDNY Marine 4 responded to the report concerning a dog in distress trying to swim in the Harlem River after having been thrown off the bridge.

When Lieutenant Sodano arrived, he saw a civilian clinging to the dog trying to keep it afloat. Members from Marine 4 were then able to bring the dog on board the vessel and take him to the shore where he received the needed care.
Without the quick response from both the civilian and FDNY members, the outcome of this animal could have been very different.

No details about the dog have been released, but the tweet from the FDNY received thousands of likes.
Many thanks to our fire department officers and to the Good Samaritan who helped to save a life.
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